Freenlancing & self employment

Nowadays, people are free to work wherever and whenever works best for them. This will caused the rises of the tittle being  freelancer or self employed.

One thing they do have in common is the ability to express themselves through their work and they posses creative freedom, also both freelancers and self-employed will have to fill out Form 1099 from the IRS website when dealing with taxes.

Perhaps the biggest difference between freelancers and self-employed individuals is the freedom in their role. Self-employed workers may run their own business, whereas freelancers are typically  to the requests of their clients and tend to work alone mostly. While self-employed workers choose which brands to work with, freelance employees may not have that liberty.


While all these terms have come to refer to someone not employed in the traditional sense, they do have their differences:


Self-employed workers  are  anyone who calls themselves the boss of their business. You can decided hours you work, what you work on, and how you work on it, you’re self-employed. 

It’s not uncommon for a freelancer to refer to themselves as self-employed on government documents or client negotiations. In this context, self-employed simply means “not traditionally employed”.


Freelancers are also self-employed. The main difference is that freelancers take a bunch of variety of jobs from a variety of clients. While self-employed, you can typically focus on doing the same work and make money off products or services you sell, freelancers may go from client to client, one day working on a artists, another day working on another one.