Video editing is important because it is the key to blending images and sounds to make us feel emotionally connected and sometimes truly there in the video we’re watching. It’s a safe assumption to say that video editing is among the most important skills to acquire while in the music industry. With professional video editing and music  you can create an emotion-evoking musical masterpiece. Personally I choose Premier Pro as the most reliable and friendly software when video editing.

FIlm editing, an add-vantage module

During the first year of my academic course I decided to explore and embrace myself into film editing. The reason why is because nowadays it is so demanded in the music industry as when it comest to songs being released people are looking for video editors where they can be really useful when making official videos for their specific track.

During this module I learned the basic of editing and our final was was to create a short 1 min clip about what you do everyday in your life. This has helped me to introduce new skills through technology as well as encourage myself learning more about video editing which will be beneficial in the music industry.