Logic Pro VS pro tools, which one is better?

During my A-Levels. My main Digital Audio Workstation was Logic Pro when doing my music Technology course, Logic Pro helped me to enhance my love and passion for music production as I become more creative with the software. This is where I’ve decided to finally go and pursue a  Music Technology course at University to become a music producer.

With the idea of doing more research and understanding of Logic Pro when entering at my university course everything went as I did not expect it. Instead, they introduced us to Pro Tools, at first I was very skeptical and I did not like it because it was something new from me but then when I went into it I have realised how important Pro Tools is when dealing with music recording, as well as how is one of the most used DAW’s by music engineers for a long time ago. My course is more based on recording technology although I wished there is more creativity and we had the option to create sounds as I did in my first year, when I was introduced to ambience music.

Overall I will explain the pros of using both of these digital audio workstation

Logic Pro

-More popular as an audio recording program for musicians, songwriters, jingle producers, prosumer base, etc.

-Logic Pro’s user interface is much easier to maneuver and get around than Pro Tools. This audio software makes sampling sequencing easier, and there’s a lot of instrumenting involved. All of this makes it a very efficient tool if smooth workflow is a top priority. It’s a great program for writers.

-With Logic, you’re able to compose much faster, making it right for those who compose at home. However, not everyone uses this program. So, once you leave your home, your files may not be easily accessible from other studio locations.


-Multitrack Recording and Arrangement of Music – This is really the big one for Pro Tools. It’s for recording and arranging, and that’s really its focus.

-Import and Export – Pro Tools is great for its ability to import and export multitrack files in a way that mimics traditional analog multitrack recording

-More of an industry standard audio recording software. Popular as a tool for music production, post-production, recording bands and broadcasting. When mixing you can rest assured that your files will be accessible and when you record a session you can take it to another studio easily