Transferable skills are  an excellent way to show you are ready for any role, they are a group of skills and abilities with can be applied to any kind of jobs within the music industry and they can be developed throughout your career progress meaning that the more you learn from previous positions or experiences the more you can be suitable and ready for the job.

Here are some of the most common transferable skills we can use:

Motivation and enthusiasm

One of the key skills when getting a job is being enthusiastic about working and motivated in your career. If you are lacking in motivation this may have a negative impact on your work overall.


Using your own initiative in your job is highly valuable. An employer needs to know that you can think for yourself.

Organisation and planning

Prioritisation of tasks and time management are key tactics and it has to come first when planning to start working on a project. You need evidence of your administration skills to prove to your next interviewer.


It is essential in any role. Mostly because future employers need to know that you are capable of explaining your thoughts to anybody in their company and also able to understand the viewpoints of others.


Teamworks is one of the most basics yet crucial skills for anyone, in the future probably you will be able to work with other employers to get the job done. Take opportunities to work in groups and communicate with people from every department of the company in order to prove to your next employer that you can get along with everyone and communicate effectively to deliver results.

Leadership skills

Leaders take responsibility and delegate tasks effectively. Most roles involve at least some aspect of leadership, especially beyond the initial stages of your career. 

Problem solving

Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where you need to figure out a new solution, here is where problem solving appears. Make assumptions and   figure something out.


Being flexible means making time for others and not expecting them to respond to your requests instantly. Prioritise always the important roles first.


Being able to recognise your areas of weakness is almost as important as developing and using your strengths. Everyone needs to realise they ate not perfect.